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World database
Use X-Plane comprehensive world database! Our flight planner and navigation charts work seamlessly with X-Plane’s comprehensive world navigation database.
Full world database
With the use of X-Plane’s world navigation database, our flight planner enables you to create flight plans with realistic procedures and routes. With more than 300k navaids, 100k airways and 30k airports, XPFlightPlanner provides precise information for your flight planning workflow.
Synchronized with X-Plane
When using XPFlightPlanner, you can rest assured that the airports, navaids, airways, and other elements are all sourced from your X-Plane database. If you are using updated AIRAC cycle such as provided by Navigraph, our flight planner and navmaps will be aligned with this cycle.

Elevate your flight planning with world database and enjoy a more realistic flying experience.
Discover new horizons with XPFlightPlanner!