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Airport charts
Your comprehensive guide to airports! XPFlightPlanner provides in-depth information about airports around the world for smooth and safe taxi, takeoff, landing and parking.
Airport charts and diagrams
Access airport charts and diagrams that provide a visual representation of the airport runways layout, including taxiway charts, aprons, and parking areas. These visual aids aid in taxi planning, gate selection, and overall situational awareness during your time on the ground.
Runway detail and procedures
Gain access to detailed information about runways length and surface. Understand the runway orientation and plan your approaches accordingly. In addition, explore SID and STAR procedures, including RNAV and ILS, to ensure realistic a smooth and safe takeoff and landings.
Useful information
Access a wide range of essential information for each airport chart, including runway specifications, airport ATC frequencies, SID, STAR and full procedures. Dive deeper into the details by exploring additional information such as taxiways, parking facilities, and airport diagrams.
Extensive airport database
XPFlightPlanner comes with an extensive airport database, from major international terminals to small regional airstrips. With more than 30k airport diagrams at your fingertips, you can explore the details, and plan your operations with precision. More information about world database…

Start your virtual flight with detailed information about airports around the world now!
Discover new horizons with XPFlightPlanner!